"Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself?" 

"I will, with God's help."

Book of Common Prayer, page 305

Care Ministry

Care Ministry has been part of the Christian faith since its very beginning.

The following are the Ministries through which congregants share
with the priest in the care of other congregants.

Following are the Care Ministries we offer:
For non-urgent Pastoral Care needs, please call Mary Gahbauer (614) 271-2290.

For urgent needs, call the church office (614) 221-5351 or The Rev. Jed Dearing's cell phone (614) 327-4299

Below you will find a sign-up form to offer your own personal help:

  • Prayer Chain Ministry

    If you are a person with a strong spiritual life, you might care to uplift others in your private prayer life. The Prayer Chain is a group of people whose collective (though individual) prayers make intercessions for the specific needs of our lonely, discouraged, sick, or otherwise troubled parishioners. This Ministry offers solace and strength in times of crisis, or times of “wilderness”.

  • Lay Eucharistic Visitor

    LEV’s are licensed by the Diocese to take Reserve Sacrament (already blessed) from the altar to the hospitalized, homebound, or those in care homes. This aids the priest in bringing spiritual nourishment to those who are unable to attend church services. If you feel called to become a Lay Eucharistic Minister, please see the Diocesan Website for details on training. All LEVs are required to have Safe Church Training.*

  • Visiting Ministry

    If you possess the gift of friendship and a compassionate heart, you could offer to bring warmth, interest, and companionship to those who are sick, aging, or experiencing loneliness. The priest has a visitation schedule, and parishioners can augment his work with friendly visits. You can carry a Prayer Book, and offer a prayer if it seems appropriate, but this is in essence a visit of human connection.

    No training is required, although you are required to have completed Safe Church Training.*

  • Flower Gift Ministry

    Perhaps you would like to contribute, but do not see yourself as a visitor. You could offer bunches of seasonal flowers or other natural arrangements for Visitors to take to their parishioners. This is meant as a heartfelt gesture of sympathy to those in need of encouragement, and is quite separate from the Flower Guild that focuses on arrangements for church services and celebrations.

  • Transportation Ministry

    If you are a dependable driver with a clean license and some time to spare, you might offer your service in driving needy parishioners to hospital or other medical appointments (sometimes hospitals require a named driver e.g. for outpatient surgeries and procedures). Your presence is not needed during the appointment, and Trinity insurance covers untoward events such as falls.

    Safe Church Training is required for this ministry.*

  • Prescription Delivery

    If you are a reliable person with an ability to handle detail, your help is needed in Prescription Delivery. Often patients return from a hospital admission or visit, only to hear that a prescription has been called in to a pharmacy or drugstore to which they have no access. You do not need written permission to pick up a prescription, but you do need the patient’s date of birth. The number and nature of the prescriptions are not your concern. Then delivery is as arranged, either by personal visit, or leaving at the front desk of a Care Home.

    Safe Church Training is required for this ministry.*

  • Crisis Child Care

    This Ministry is about offering child care in times of crisis such as sudden accidents, hospitalizations, domestic crises or other urgent situations.

    Providers must be able to offer a temporary safe, warm place for children, with appropriate snacks and comforts. This ministry is suited for those with experience of children, and not only Safe Church Training is required but other Diocesan training for those with care of children.*

  • Meal Ministry

    Whether you are an avid chef, or simply a reliable meal provider, your skills are welcome at Meal Ministry.

    This Ministry aims to provide a meal (or series of meals) to those who are new in town, just had a baby, just returned from hospital, are newly bereaved, or any other situation in which ready-made food would bring ease and comfort.

    You can contribute when the need arises by making, baking, buying, and bringing - (or arranging to have the food picked up). 

  • Prayer Shawl Ministry

    If you love to knit or crochet, your skills could bring warmth and comfort to parish members in times of spiritual or physical need. The shawl wraps parishioners young and old, male and female, like a prayer, which is often provided in print along with the shawl.

    There are many suitable colors, stitches, and styles with which your handiwork can bring a blessing.

  • Prayer Book Ministry

    Certain passages in a Christan Journey are often celebrated and nurtured by the gift of a book. Baby Prayer books can be given at birth or Baptism, the Book of Common Prayer is a gift on the occasion of adult Baptism, very accessible books on being an Episcopalian may be presented at a person’s Affirmation or Confirmation into the Church, or simply because an inquirer wishes to know more about us.

    Performing this Ministry would mean keeping track of births, confirmands etc, and giving the books by appropriate means. Funding is available.

  • Greeting Card Ministry

    Trinity likes to send Christmas greetings to all parishioners, and other greetings to other parishioners who are in various kinds of need. So far we have had two main persons who have made handcrafted cards, but the work is demanding and our numbers are growing. If you are a creative or crafty person you could spread the blessing of thoughtful greetings  by joining the card-making team, and creating your own version of Easter, Christmas, condolence, get-well , or other greeting cards.

  • Group Card Signing

    From time to time Trinity has sent large-sized cards to particular groups or individuals as a mark of thanks or respect. These cards are left out at both Sunday morning services, in order for as many persons as possible to have a chance to sign. Groups in receipt in the past have been “In the Garden” crew, families with members serving in the Military, and individuals such as a stalwart of the church whose health declined suddenly.

  • Funeral Hospitality

    In times of loss and grief, there is great need for solace both for the directly bereaved and for fellow congregants. Funeral Hospitality Ministry provides a space at the back of the nave, and an opportunity for mourners to gather, greet, reflect, and refresh themselves with drinks and snacks immediately after the funeral service, irrespective of whether there will be a more formal reception elsewhere.

    If you feel called to help in this Ministry, you will be required to have Safe Church Training.*

About Care Ministry

Welcome to our Care Ministry, where our congregation takes care of one another with compassion and support. 

Our dedicated carers provide a range of services including hospital and home visits, transportation to medical appointments, prescription delivery, meal assistance, emergency child care, funeral hospitality, giftbook ministry, prayer shawls, flower gifts, greeting cards, and intercessory prayers. We're here to support each other through life's challenges and joys, extending a helping hand and a caring heart to those in need within our community.

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