Prayer, Concerns, and Joys

It is our custom to be in prayer with and for one another. Please add your joys and concerns here. The Trinity community will hold you in prayer and lift up your requests in worship. We invite you, also, to pray for others who have added their joys and concerns. 


Mirna and family in Texas


Please pray for the healing of surgical wounds and recovery from surgery for Michael J. Guadagnoli. May Jesus Christ the divine physician bring him healing in body mind and spirit. Amen


Blessings for those serving and those being served at ITG. In gratitude for donations of water and coffee.


For my friend Norma.


Amy, a daughter of a cousin Nelda that lives in Gardner, KS, was severely injured being hit by a drunk driver. She has broken ribs, punctured lungs, and more. Please keep Amy in your prayers.

Prayer Request